Stragglers and New Threats in Lower Lebennin

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Deed Lore

Explore enemy encampments and other dangerous places in Lower Lebennin

To complete this deed perform the following objective(s)

The Ruins of Lornost remain a sad reminder of the cruelty inflicted by the Heirs of Castamir and their Haradrim allies; when the folk of Lornost refused to surrender, they were slaughtered and the castle reduced to rubble. Now only wild beasts walk the paths of Lornost, and a cruel breeze drifts among the abandoned buildings.
The War-camp of Thama Aklam was constructed during the war by Haradrim forces seeking to accomplish the aims of Mordor. With the defeat of Sauron, the war-camp has become home instead to brigands and other unsavoury types.
The War-camp of Hata Kebir served as one of the primary settlements constructed by the Haradrim and Corsairs that united to threaten Lebennin and the greater lands of Gondor. In the days since the end of the war, brigands have congregated within its bounds and endanger the King's peace.
The Corsairs of Umbar burned the Port of Ethillorn as part of their campaign to conquer Gondor for Sauron. Now that the war has ended the Corsairs have gone, but a darker evil has come to Ethillorn and now threatens the surrounding lands.
Lured from the snowy peaks of the White Mountains by the sound industry at the Quarry of Aban-Bazan, ferocious snow-beasts have made new dens in the woods of Lebennin. Gnawed bones and filthy carcasses lie in piles beneath the trees and among the rocks. A testament to the beasts' insatiable hunger.


   5 LOTRO Points
  3 Mark of Renewal
   <name>, Scout of Lower Lebennin Renewed
   1000 Virtue Experience
   Increased Reputation with The Renewal of Gondor ( 700 )

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