Featured Instance Rotation

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The Featured Instance rotation follows a six-week roster. The weekly instance changes on Monday at 10:00 a.m. server time, and the quests reset daily at 3:00 a.m. server time. On Monday it is possible to do the daily quests twice without using Mithril Coin to reset them: once after the daily reset time but before weekly rotation time, and again after the instance changes.

The list of instances in the rotation has changed several times after the introduction of featured instances, with U18.2, U19, U19.1.1, U20, U21, U22, U22.2, U23.0, U32.0, 34.3 and U38.

Featured Instance U38 Box Reward - Level 100-149 Box Reward - Level 150 Size Content Prerequisite Other prerequisites Theoretically-soloable?
Haudh Valandil  Grey Box of Ancient Spoils  Crimson Box of Ancient Treasures 6 N/A (in base game) None Yes
Woe of the Willow  Grey Box of Ancient Spoils  Malachite Box of Ancient Treasures 3 The Wildwood quest pack None Yes
Agoroth, the Narrowdelve  Grey Box of Ancient Spoils  Marigold Box of Ancient Treasures 3 The Wildwood quest pack None No. 3 characters are required to activate the end boss fight, although they need not participate in combat
Stoneheight  Grey Box of Ancient Spoils  Amethyst Box of Ancient Treasures 6 N/A (in base game) Discovery (North Downs [9.5S, 50.1W]) Yes
Ost Dunhoth - Gortheron Wing  Grey Box of Ancient Spoils  Obsidian Box of Ancient Treasures 12 N/A (in base game) Discovery (Enedwaith [75.1S, 19.7W])
Completion of Wound/Fear Wing

Completion of Disease/Poison Wing

Yes. Note that the Wound/Fear Wing prereq requires 6 characters to activate the initial gauntlet of that wing, and at least 3 characters
to interact with objects along that gauntlet.
Glinghant  Grey Box of Ancient Spoils  Azure Box of Ancient Treasures 6 N/A (in base game) None Yes