The Tale of the Shipwrecked Mariners

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Tale of the Shipwrecked Mariners

Avast mateys! Gather round ‘n ye shall hear the tale of the shipwrecked Mariner, and a tale of woe and trouble it be! Search the banks of the Brandywine for the lost crates and barrels from a doomed supply ship.
Ye’ll be rewarded for yer efforts with piratey gear from the thankful crew. Ye may even run across a few treasure chests the shifty fellows failed to mention! This special event only happens once a year in September, so don’t ye miss yer chance! Arrrgggggh!


Gilminuial is a Ranger ship which sails up and down the river Baranduin, providing supplies to the Wardens of Annúminas in the North. Yearly (around September 19) a great storm falls upon the ship and throws its crew and cargo overboard. The ship with Captain Aranhir blows on and is stranded within Barandalf. Further south, about the area of Buckland, the cargo is scattered along the shores and crew-members Argirion and Mindambeth are found safe. However, they are eager to hear from their captain and happily bartering stored items for cargo.

Stowaway: The Old Man on the Shore Guides
The life of a Mariner can be difficult, and for one such seafarer his tale may almost be written. Find Falnavar near death in Evendim, along the Brandywine River near Barandalf, at [16.3S, 60.6W]. Take part in his story of adventure, travel, and vengeance through a series of Missions!


Event runs yearly around International Talk Like a Pirate Day (September 19th).

[hide][hide]Scheduled dates
2025: September 17 - September 24
Previous Dates


  1. [...] Stowaway 01: An Ignoble BeginningMission: A Life at Sea
  2. [...] Stowaway 02: The First TourMission: Attack on Pelargir
  3. [...] Stowaway 03: The Turning TideMission: The Tolfalas Shore
  4. [...] Stowaway 04: KinshipMission: My Bosom Friend
  5. [...] Stowaway 05: The IncidentMission: The Nenglor
  6. [...] Stowaway 06: Shore-boundMission: The Nenglor Reborn
  7. [...] Stowaway 07: Too Far AfieldMission: The Sermon
  8. [...] Stowaway 08: No Longer in ServiceMission: To Plot Revenge
  9. [...] Stowaway 09: To Vengeance BoundMission: Marked
  10. [...] Stowaway 10: On Strange ShoresMission: The Beast
  11. [...] Stowaway 11: I, MarinerMission: A Final Vengeance

Festival Items

Quartermaster: Mindambeth - She can be found at [31.1S, 62.7W] along the Brandywine.

Prerequisites: Completed the quest The Tale of the Shipwrecked Mariners.

Waterlogged Lockers - Found along the Brandywine in Barandalf and by Trader's Wharf during the event only.
