Quest:Stowaway 04: Kinship

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Stowaway 04: Kinship
Level Scaling
Type Solo
Repeatable Daily
Starts with Falnavar
Starts at Barandalf
Start Region Evendim
Map Ref [16.3S, 60.6W]
Quest Group Mission
Quest Chain The Tale of the Shipwrecked Mariners
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'Our time ashore, always brief, allowed for little adventure. I did not desire adventure in those days; only camaraderie. The Captain - who had taken a liking to me only a few years ago in a tavern - and I became dearest friends….'


There is more to Falnavar's tale and he would like to share it with you. He speaks fondly of his past.

Objective 1

There is more still to the mariner's tale. He bids you listen to the story of how he and the captain became fast friends.

Falnavar: 'It was a cool night...'

Objective 2

After hearing how the captain and the mariner grew close it is time to speak with the mariner once again.

Falnavar: 'Our future was not set, but I knew I had earned the respect of a man whom I greatly respected. When we set back to sail, I was named his second.'