Quest:Mission: The Nenglor Reborn

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Mission: The Nenglor Reborn
Level Scaling
Type Solo
Repeatable Daily
Starts with Falnavar
Starts at Barandalf
Start Region Evendim
Map Ref [16.3S, 60.6W]
Quest Group Mission
Quest Chain The Tale of the Shipwrecked Mariners
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

After receiving commendation for rescuing the captives, the Captain and Mariner rebuild the Nenglor.


After returning to Pelargir, the surviving members of the crew set about recovering and rebuilding.

Twist: None

Objective 1

Our visit to the port was fraught with difficulty. Pelargir was hospitable and our faces recognizable from our saving some members of the city some time before. We got on with our business at hand....

The Captain: 'I have set most of the crew to their tasks, but there are some duties that must be handled by the only individual I truly trust.
'I have secured the assistance of a map maker who confided that they can provide a passage where we must go. I will require this of you. You will find the map stashed among a sheaf of papers near an empty stall near the dock across from our ship's bow.
'Second, there is the matter of some illicit materials formerly owned by the Corsairs who raided this city some time hence. I will have it procured by no other. It should be under the watchful eye of a healer, no less, along the alley near the opposite dock. Collect this and bring it to me.
'Last, we need new blood on the ship and that can only mean we post our letters throughout the immediate area. Take these and post them where it seems the will best be seen.
'Away now, there is much left to do.'

Objective 2

  • Collect the map
  • Collect the foul-smelling barrel
  • Post recruitment letters (0/10)

Something felt different. The jovial nature was gone. There was a curtness in the voice and the manner was prescriptive. I should have known that something had changed. I set out about my tasks....

Collected the map
Collected the foul-smelling barrel
Recruitment letters posted (10/10)

Objective 3

  • Find the captain

With the hold filled and a new crew coming aboard we were prepared for our next adventure. If only...

The Captain: 'If all is now at the ready, then we should set about final preparations. Yes, it is time to seek our vengeance and bring those curs to heel.'