Quest:Stowaway 10: On Strange Shores

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Stowaway 10: On Strange Shores
Level Scaling
Type Solo
Repeatable Daily
Starts with Falnavar
Starts at Barandalf
Start Region Evendim
Map Ref [16.3S, 60.6W]
Quest Group Mission
Quest Chain The Tale of the Shipwrecked Mariners
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'He -- The Captain gave me gifts; precious to me. I kept them with me at all times since his death, now, here at my own - I seem to have lost them. Do you have the heart to find them? To find what I have lost? So that I might have them in my death where the water has claimed me and not a tyrant's blade?'


Falnavar's tales shifts again, this time to the years after the defeat of the Corsair crew who brought an end to the Captain.

Objective 1

A slip of the tongue? It is unclear, but the mariner's tale continues on.

Falnavar: 'The beast is near here. Go now.'

Objective 2

The beast is defeated, but a mystery is revealed. Return to the mariner and tell him what you discovered.

Falnavar: 'It cannot be. I saw him slain with my own eyes and now...
'My friend, I have failed you. We can no longer fight. Look at us.'