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Mithrendan is a Dúnadan of the North who joins the Grey Company and travels to Gondor during the War of the Ring.

Mithrendan (Tornhad)

Image of Mithrendan
Gender Male
Race Man
Region Trollshaws
Area The Angle of Mitheithel
Settlement Tornhad
Map Ref [43.4S, 23.4W]

Mithrendan oversees parts of the Ranger village of Tornhad, in the Angle of Mitheithel. He has grown concerned for Mandan.

Quest Involvement

Mithrendan (Enedwaith)

Image of Mithrendan
Title Crafting
Gender Male
Race Man
Region Enedwaith
Area Thrór's Coomb
Settlement Harndirion Skirmish Camp
Map Ref [69.8S, 13.8W]

During the journey through Enedwaith, Mithrendan serves as a Skirmish Crafting trader located at the Grey Company base, Harndirion. [69.8S, 13.8W]

Mithrendan (Central Gondor)

Image of Mithrendan
Gender Male
Race Man
Region Central Gondor
Area Lebennin
Settlement Pelargir
Map Ref [84.3S, 34.7W]

After a long journey through Dunland, the Gap of Rohan, West Rohan, the Paths of the Dead, Western Gondor and Central Gondor, Mithrendan can be found at the western gate of Pelargir, getting ready to board the corsair ships bound for Minas Tirith. [84.3S, 34.7W]

Quest Involvement


"The Corsairs fled in terror, casting their blades aside. I would never cast aside my own blade, not for any reason."

Mithrendan (The Wastes)

Image of Mithrendan
Gender Male
Race Man
Region The Wastes
Area The Noman-lands
Settlement Camp of the Host
Map Ref [41.1S, 10.2W]

Mithrendan is one of the Rangers who survives the Battle of Pelennor Fields and joins the Host of the West. He can be found by a campfire in the Camp of the Host, along with Culang, Dagoras, and Peregrin Took

Mithrendan (Morgul Vale)

Image of Mithrendan
Gender Male
Race Man
Region Morgul Vale
Area Minas Morgul
Map Ref [67.0S, 0.8E]

Mithrendan survives the fall of Mordor, and joins the expedition to clear the Morgul Vale.

Quest Involvement