Social:Followers of Elendil
This article is a Kinship information page The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official LOTRO history or occurrences which are accurate for all worlds. The kinships and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only. |

Website | |
Server | Snowbourn |
Nationality | Danish only |
Kinship Rank | Rank 10 |
Officers | Rorimli, Lunhad, Rowine, Diko, Elranass, Caligo, Mondrup, Athallion, Erowan |
Total Members | 130 |
Avr. Age | 26.4 years |
Avr. Level | 40.1 |
FoE is an all Danish speaking kinship located on [EN] Snowbourn. Its among the oldest kinships on Snowbourn and has since day one accepted any danish speaking character from level 10 and up.
We are a casual kinship for players who enjoy sharing their game experiences with others. We love everything from a pint of beer at the pub to exciting 24 man raids. Last, but not least, we are a kinship, where there is lots of room for activities outside LotRO. In FoE your family and friends are more importnant than the game!
You choose what to use your time on. As a social and active kinship we can offer both fun and enjoyment, both in chat but also on our Ventrilo, along with more exciting raiding in the higher levels. Raiding is run in a subgroup of FoE called Isildurs Army (IA). As an IA-raider you will become part of a broad group of people, where some play relative much and others some what less. We use a DKP system that gives the loot widely among our members.
If you are a 4+ raids a week raider, we are not a kinship for you. We expect from you, that you part take in the helpsomeness of the kinship. Not because you can - because you want to. We expect you to respect the other, both those that play worse and those that play better than your self. Those that are richer or poorer. Those who have better or worse gear. Short: Treat people like you want them to treat you.
We want our members, to play LotRO in the same social spirit as the heroes of Tolkien's Universe and that you know the value of good kinspeople. We value a friendly and fun player far over a well-geared character with an aggressive player sitting behind.
Check by our site if you are interested!
FoE is lead by Rorimli along with a broad officer staff.
Class Officers
Guardian - Lunhad
Captain - Rowine
Champion - Diko
Lore-master - Elranass
Burglar - Caligo
Minstrel - Mondrup
Hunter - Athallion
Website Staff
Along with the class-officers the kinship also has 4 forum moderators and admins:
Tjynde (Webadmin
Erowan (Admin/Treasurer)
Caligo (Moderator).
Lower-level | ||
The Great Barrow | Garth Agarwen | Fornost |
Complete | Complete | Complete |
Angmar | ||
Urugarth | Carn Dûm | Barad Gúlaran |
Complete | Complete | Complete |
Annuminas | ||
Haudh Valandil | Glinghant | Ost Elendil |
Complete | Complete | Complete |
FoE and IA raid every week in The Rift and occasionally Helegrod aswell. Any Danish speaking player is welcome to join these raids.
Helegrod | ||||||
Coldbear | Storvagun | Zaudru | Grisgart | Drugoth the Death-monger (Helegrod) | Thorog | |
Killed | Killed | Killed | Killed | Killed |
The Rift
[[The Rift of Nûrz Ghâshu (Raid) | Rift of Nûrz Ghâshu]] | |||||||
Barz | Zurm | Fruz | Zogtark | Narnulubat | Shadow-eater | Thrâng | Thaurlach | |
Killed | Killed | Killed | Killed | Killed | Killed | Killed | Killed |