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Rorimli Broadbeam of Snowbourn EU

Officer in Followers of Elendil, Rorimli is a stout dwarf known for his tendency to use war-speech whenever applicable, but knows excactly when to drop the battlestance and heal like crazy. His gear is focused towards maximum tactical output - both in damage and healing.


11th Generation of the proud Broadbeams of Gabilgathol (Belegost) at the now destroyed Mount Dolmed in the Blue Mountains, Rorimli is a gifted adventurer with great knowledge of ancient lore and there is not the song in all of Arda that Rorimli doesn't seem to know. Laying his past behind him, Rorimli made the Lonely Mountain his new home after The Battle of Five Armies. However, recent events in the west has forced Rorimli to return to his homeland...


Here follows an account of Rorimlis "PewPew":

You wound Thrâng with Call of the Second Age for 511 points of Light damage --> Your mighty blow defeated Thrâng.

Followers of Elendil is an all-danish kinship ; Check for more info - Thank You...