Quest:Mission: Signs and Sigils

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Mission: Signs and Sigils
Level Scaling
Type Solo
Repeatable Yes
Starts with Hithriel
Starts at Herne
Start Region Cardolan
Map Ref [50.1S, 44.7W]
Quest Group Mission: Before the Shadow
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

Hithriel: 'Uruks in the ruins of Caras Gelebren, this will not do. Our request here is a simple one, go to the ruin, drive them out, and tear down their banners.
'We know that this cannot be done simply, but at least thin their number. They are numerous and strong, but with enough effort we may wrest the ruins from their control.'


Once a great home of the Elves, the ruins of Caras Gelebren are now despoiled by the arrival of Uruk of the White Hand. There is now an effort underway to push the Uruks out.

Objective 1

You are to make your way into the ruins of Caras Gelebren, tear down the banners of the White Hand and slay as many Uruk-hai as you find. Speak with the mission giver to undertake this mission.

Objective 2

  • Speak with the mission giver
Hithriel: 'Excellent work, <name>. It is good to know that there are still stout warriors like you willing to aid us. The Uruk-hai know the retribution that will come to them for every affront they raise against us.'