Quest:Mission: A Day on the Farm (Instance)

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Mission: Secrets and Plans (Instance)
Level Scaling
Type Solo
Repeatable Yes
Starts with Irvo Curch
Starts at Clegur
Start Region Swanfleet
Map Ref [65.0S, 29.3W]
Quest Group Mission
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

An odd request to help out on a nearby farm in Lhanuch. Speak to the mission giver to head down to the farm and help.


A lovely day for pitching in on the farm without the fear of anything untoward happening at all.

A hobbit farm is a happy place... usually. This farm, however, is seeing its fair share of trouble, and the owners are looking for some help in dealing with the nastiness that plagues their once happy plot.

Objective 1

  • Close shrew burrows (0/6)

Objective 2

  • Repel craban invaders (0/12)

Objective 2

  • Find the scout

Objective 3

(approaching scout)

  • Talk to Irvo Curch

After an eventful day on the farm, it is time to return to the mission giver who asked you to go and help the famers[sic] with their work.

Scout: 'See what a relaxing life you could lead? Oh dear. I did not expect this. Well, let us head back.'