Quest:Mission: Patrol the Township (Instance)

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Mission: Patrol the Township (Instance)
Level Scaling
Type Solo
Repeatable Yes
Starts with Irvo Curch
Starts at Clegur
Start Region Swanfleet
Map Ref [65.0S, 29.3W]
Quest Group Mission
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

The request is a simple one: patrol through the pathways that make up the township of Clegur at night. Speak with the mission giver to assist.


Just an ordinary night in a quiet hobbit township. What could possibly go wrong?

Clegur is a relatively safe village. Still, the inhabitants are on edge with the recent events in Swanfleet and welcome the assistance of someone willing to watch over the village at night.

Objective 1

  • Patrol the town and eliminate any enemies
Town Location Patrolled
Defeat southern brigands (15/15)

Objective 2

  • Find and speak with the Scout
A scout has arrived to escort you back to Irvo

Objective 3

(approaching scout)

  • Talk to Irvo Curch

Your patrol was not as uneventful as everyone presumed. It appears that the Men from the south are intent on invading every corner of Swanfleet if they can. Alert the mission giver.

Scout: 'I did not expect that this would happen. We never see brigands this close to our town. Let us return.'