Quest:Mission: Into the Pits (Instance)

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Mission: Into the Pits (Instance)
Level Scaling
Type Solo
Repeatable Yes
Starts with Irvo Curch
Starts at Clegur
Start Region Swanfleet
Map Ref [65.0S, 29.3W]
Quest Group Mission
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

You are asked to make your way into the hills to find three warg matrons who lead a pack of the vile beasts there.


Wargs make the hills their home and collect an impressive number of bones. It is unclear if the bones belong to the free folk or other victims. Regardless, the threat from these beasts is too great to let them remain.

Along the hilltops in Swanfleet there is a group of dens where vicious wargs bed down, feast, and terrorize the populace. You are tasked with the grim duty of hunting down the warg matrons that keep the rest of the pack in line.

Objective 1

  • Defeat Gorgost
  • Defeat Brogmarsh
  • Defeat Rauzghuk
  • Defeat wargs (0/12)

Objective 2

  • Find the scout

Objective 3

(approaching scout)

  • Talk to Cadell

The warg matrons were present in the pit and they were fearsome. You were victorious. Return to the mission giver in Lhan Garan and tell them of the success.

Scout: 'Wargs are always nasty business and when they are as powerful as those were, terrible days, my friend. Let us return to our base.'