Old Bauman

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Old Bauman
Image of Old Bauman
Title Retired Forester
Gender Male
Race Man
Region Bree-land
Area Chetwood
Landmark Combe Lumber Camp
Map Ref [28.7S, 47.0W]


Old Bauman is a retired forester found at the Combe Lumber Camp within Chetwood, in Bree-land, to the east of Combe. He lost his farm to the Blackwolds and has found a new, albeit temporary residence in the Comb and Wattle Inn.

His daughter, Aldith, is found nearby.

Quest Involvement



"Those brigands took my farm from me. I've nothing left now."
"That Lizbeth in there has a heart of gold...but she's sure not much of a cook!"
"Sure hope those brigands don't come back. I've had more than enough of their kind."
"If I'd been a few years younger, I'd have shown those brigands what for!"
"If it weren't for Lizbeth putting me up in her inn, I'm not sure what I'd done."
"Sally was a good dog, and no mistake."
"I can hear her barking, barking away at some old squirrel. You get 'em, Sally! Ha ha!"