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The Five Sisters

These beautiful creatures, Man- or Elf-like in appearance, are born of the waters of secluded rivers. What they are exactly is unknown even to the Wise, but they are old and powerful. River-maids, also called River-maidens or Idâmi, are beautiful, immortal spirits of nature tied to the rivers and streams of Middle-earth. They are said to be the daughters of the "River-woman." Like many spirits of Arda, River-maids may be a kind of Maiar, embodying the element of Water, but this has never been confirmed.


Goldberry is the River-maiden of the Withywindle river.
She lives with Tom Bombadil in the Old Forest just outside the Shire and has been guarding the Old Forest since the days of old.
Gwindeth is the River-maiden of the Swiftbrook river.
Watching over Lake Evendim, she has seen the spledour and decay of the great city of Annúminas.
Naruhel is the River-maiden of the Hoarwell river.
Turned to evil, willingly or unwillingly, she currently resides in the red swamp of Agamaur in Garth Agarwen.
Willowsong is the River-maiden of the Midgewater river.
Known to the folk of Staddle as the wise woman, she is skilled in any kind of herbalism. She currently resides at the Silverwell.
The rivers of Gondor


Grey-eye is the River-maiden of the Serni river.
Considered hard and unsentimental, she is steadfast and not easily to manipulate. She is one of The Five Sisters.
Rauniel was the River-maiden of the Ithilduin river.
Long ago when the Nazgûl turned Minas Ithil into Minas Morgul, her fate was forever changed and her river deviled.
Roamingstar is the River-maiden of the Gilrain river.
Dwelling in the Gilrain Woods she has been singing songs of hope and of enchantment. She is one of The Five Sisters.
Silverfroth is the River-maiden of the Celos river.
Filled with jokes, tricks and laughter she guards her river keeping the lands of Gondor save. She is one of The Five Sisters.
The Lone Lady is the River-maiden of the Erui river.
Driven into sorrow, she is prone to dark thoughts since the bloddying of her waters during the Kin-strife. She is one of The Five Sisters.
Truetongue is the River-maiden of the Sirith river.
Defending the city of Pelargir which lies on her river, she is honest and serious. She is one of The Five Sisters.


Enârshan is the River-maiden of the Ilûritu river.
With the opening of Utug-bûr, orcs have been invading her river and lands. Before the threat becomes to great to handle she wishes to deal with these intruders.


Gultháva is the River-maiden of the Gladden river.
High up at the ancient dwarven stronghold of Kidzul-kâlah, she ever watches her lands and her friends vigilant.


Goldberry is the only River-maid who appears in the works of J.R.R. Tolkien. However, the existence of her mother, the River-woman, points to the possibility of other river-spirits in Middle-earth.
