Hove Farm

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Hove Farm
Type: Farmstead
Region: Cardolan
Area: South Downs
Location: [42.1S, 36.6W]
Hove Farm
Hove Farm

Hove Farm is a landmark within the South Downs of Cardolan. [42.1S, 36.6W]

Though not as prosperous as the neighbouring Scurloc Farm, the people of Hove Farm were able to carve out a respectable life for themselves here until they were driven out by goblins out of the south. Now their livestock have been slain and their fields set ablaze as the goblins occupy the farmstead.

The Hove family is taking refuge at their aforementioned neighbour's property to the east and in their stead the men of the Scurloc family have been taken captive after bravely attempting to roust the goblins from Hove Farm.





These deeds can be advanced by exploring this location:


Before completing Rescuing the Scurlocs:

Arwel [42.3S, 36.8W]
Cledd [42.5S, 37.1W]
Tom [42.2S, 36.9W]
Tomur [42.1S, 37.0W]


These creatures are encountered within this location:




"Though not quite as established as their neighbours at Scurloc Farm, the Hove family has maintained a hardscrabble livelihood on their own small farm. In recent days, however, the family has been driven out by goblin raiders from the north." — Deed
