Quest:Dousing the Flaming Farm

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Dousing the Flaming Farm
Level 25
Type Solo
Starts with Erina
Starts at Scurloc Farm
Start Region Cardolan
Map Ref [43.3S, 33.5W]
Quest Group Cardolan
[hide]Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'Who are you? Are you here to help? Oh, please say yes!

'Terrible goblins raided our farm! I want to go home, but they are still there and I can see the smoke from here! Please, please, please can you please put out the fires? Oooh, it is all going to burn if you do not! You must help!

'We have a beautiful pond where you could fill a bucket and use it to put out the fires!'


The Hove family farm is up in flames after an attack by ferocious goblins!

Objective 1

  • Find an empty bucket

Erina has asked you to put out fires at the Hove family farm. You should look for a bucket at Scurloc farm with which to fill with water in order to douse the flames.

Scurloc farm is is northern Cardolan.

This bucket is perfect for the task!

Objective 2

You found an empty bucket, but now you need to fill it with water.

You should find the pond at the Hove family farm, in northern Cardolan.

Water sloshes over the sides of the bucket

Objective 3

  • Douse fires (0/8)

Armed with a bucket of water, you are now ready to douse the flames burning at the Hove family farm.

The farm is in northern Cardolan.

Doused fires (8/8)

Objective 4

You should let Erina know that you have put out many of the fires at Hove Farm.

Erina is at Sculoc Farm, in northern Cardolan.

Erina: 'You did it? Oh, thank you thank you! I hope we can go home soon!'