Quest:The Goblin Farmer

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The Goblin Farmer
Level 25
Type Solo
Starts with Bethan
Starts at Scurloc Farm
Start Region Cardolan
Map Ref [43.3S, 33.5W]
Ends with Auto-complete
Quest Group Cardolan
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'Oh, hello. I am Bethan Hove. Did you come here from the west? Have you been to our farm too, I wonder? The Scurlocs have been so kind to us. They took us in when a wretched band of goblins drove us off our land! The fiends killed our cows and ate all of our food. Poor Nelly. She was such a good cow, too!

'We do not have much, but if you happen to go back in that direction, give those goblins a taste of their own medicine. I would be so grateful! You will find our farm west of here.'


Goblins have driven the Hove family from their farm and have taken over!

Objective 1


Bethan Hove has asked you to defeat the goblins that have taken over her family's farm.

The Hove family farm is in northern Cardolan.