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Hamât was a kingdom, or Shârate, in the early Third Age that spanned the whole of Shagâna until its fall.

The days of Hamât are remembered fondly by the Ikorbâni, and there is currently a rebellion in Imhûlar staged to restore the kingdom of Hamât by reclaiming its former capital of Kûr Anzar from the Ordâkhai and Church of the All-seeing who now occupy it.


The years before the unification of the Ikorbân Valley under Hamâti rule were known as the Dire Days. Gondor controlled the Cape of Umbar and lands west of Telperiën's Wall and the Ikorbâni suffered famine and banditry until Aragín the Queller came into power farther up the Ikorbân river and united the peoples of the valley and founded the Shârate of Hamât.[1] Aragín slew three champions of Khand, Gondor, and "the southern realm" and later had great tombs erected in their honor. After their defeat, he broke his sword and publicly devoted himself to peace.[2]

Aragín did indeed make alliances with the nations he defeated in battle, Gondor included, and Hamât's borders grew to encompass the Shagâni lands north of the River Usâl excepting only Umbar.[1]

The first seat of the Shâr of Hamât was Kûr Anzar in central Imhûlar.[2]

Years of Joy

The Years of Joy were a time of peace for Hamât, beginning during the reign of Aragín the Queller. In these years the Road of Riches was restored and the Span of Zibâla built in Ambarûl. Dwarves- most likely the local Temámir- and elves of the Kintai were seen again in the valley and the people prospered.[1]


The Years of Joy were ended by the Madâr- the Realm-cleaving. Civil war within the Shârate divided the kingdom for at least a century. Luzími was queen in those days, and retained the loyalty of the Ambarûli and much of the Ikorbân Valley while the rebels held the east. Those loyal to Luzími and her heirs were eventually supported by Gondor as a direct counter to the Khandari who supported the rebels.[3]

Peace was eventually established by merchants of Jaghâna and Hamât was divided. Under this agreement, Ambarûl was not part of either Hamât or Erêsh, ruled instead by the Ibili council established by Jaghâna to govern and to enforce the peace.[3]

Taldûmu was the last king of Hamât. When the Empire of Ordâkh invaded the Ikorbân Valley, Taldûmu retreated at the last to the cliff-fortress of Ashâgir in Urash Dâr. Though the fortress held for a year against the Ordâkhai, assassins were sent eventually. They killed the guards and opened the gates. In desperation, Taldûmu set fire to the stockpile of Narghâk in the fortress, killing defender and invader alike. The fires burned for six days.[4]

The influence of Ordâkh even before their conquest spread the faith of the Barkhûshim, who worshiped Sauron under the name Barkhûsh, He-Who-Sees-All. This faith and the might of its adherents gradually overtook the faith of Írmu Who Weeps through fear and direct attacks on those who followed the Weeping Lady. These days were called by some the Time of Pyres.[5]



  • Ashâgir - a great fortress built into the cliffs in the canyons of Urash Dâr. Rumor and legend holds that it still contains some stores of Narghâk after Taldûmu set the fortress's stockpile aflame[4][6]
  • Kûr Anzar - first ruling seat of the Hamâti shârs, built atop a Númenórean citadel built atop a Khandari fortress in central Imhûlar. Currently held by Ordâkhai remnants, Barkhûshim cultists, and orcs[2]
  • Tombs of Esh-kimâkhi - grand tombs in southern Imhulâr constructed by Aragín the Queller in memory of his three most distinguished enemies
  • Watcher of Urmâkh - a statue of a great lion carved by the Hamâti

Renewed Hamât

Mizâdi Shâra has taken up the title of Queen of Renewed Hamât and is currently established in Urmâkh.

Numûru is Hand of the Queen to Mizâdi and helps manage their campaign.
