Church of the All-seeing

The Church of the All-seeing is the religious tradition of Ordâkh, worshipping Barkhûsh, the One-Who-Sees-All, another name for Sauron. The Ordâkhai used the church to repress the Shagâni, conquering their lands with the dark magic of the Lidless Eye. When the armies of Harad marched to war against Gondor, the Church of the All-seeing remained in the lands of the Valley of Ikorbân to continue suppressing their people. However, when the dark lord Sauron was annihilated upon the destruction of the One Ring, all fanes of the All-seeing collapsed in a surge of magical conflagration. Many of the All-seeing's representatives were killed in that wave of destruction, and many more were killed or chased off when the lands formerly under its control rebelled. In Umbar, the Kindred of the Coins took control of power, while in Ambarûl, the Dumûri reclaimed their lands north of the Ikorbân.
Although the object of their worship is now gone, the remnants of the Church carry on their former lord's dark wishes, actively working against the rebellions spreading throughout Khûd Zagin and Imhûlar.