Special Events
Come one come all, ye adventurers, to share a time of fun and relaxation with dancing and drinking among other fine activities during these special events all around Middle-earth. These are times for celebration, not of war.
Official Events Schedule
SSG maintains a schedule of upcoming events on the website.
Seasonal Events
There are five main festivals throughout the year. During the festivals, adventurers can enjoy many different activities; some are repeated every season, and some are specific to one type of festival.
Spring Festival
Midsummer Festival
Farmers Faire
Includes all content from the former Summer Festival.
Harvest Festival
Yule Festival
General Festival Events
The following events are also held during every seasonal festival.
Welcome Back Events
From time to time, SSG introduces special "Welcome Back" weeks, weekends, or events, with temporary quest NPCs, free travel, or experience bonuses.

- Grants a bonus to many types of experience.
- +..% Experience Gain on Monster Kills, Crafting, Quest Completions, Legendary Item and Mounted Combat XP.

- Thank you for being a VIP and your continued support of LOTRO!
- +100% Experience Gain on Monster kills, Crafting, Quest Completions, Legendary Item and Mounted Combat XP.
Earned crafting experience is increased by 25%.
+25% Mark Acquisition

- Increased Mark gains. Does not count on Warband Spoils, token exchanges, quest rewards or deeds.
- +25% Mark Acquisition
Special Barter Vendors
The following vendors are on a rotational basis and come and go:
Filbert Fig
Rowan Raspberry
Myrtle Mint
The Curator
The Curator barters Figments of Splendour for items and is only available at certain times of the year and is not part of the normal rotation of vendors listed above.
Other Events
Many of these events are discontinued, some events repeat on a yearly basis and others repeat at random.
Event | Timeline | Notes |
April Fool's Chicken Run | Yearly | Happens around April 1st to celebrate April Fool Day. |
Bilbo & Frodo's Birthday | Yearly | Happens on September 22, birthday of both Bilbo Baggins and Frodo Baggins. |
Bounder's Bounty | Discontinued | 2013 server-wide event preceding the Launch of the Helm's Deep expansion. |
The Combe Forester Event | Biweekly | This event premiered on September 15, 2023. It's the first crafting event. |
Durin's Day | Yearly | Happens on October 18th at the Lonely Mountain, Its to celebrate the dwarven new year when both the sun and moon can be seen in the sky. |
A Game of Hobnanigans | Monthly | Rebooted in 2014, aimed to be activated monthly for a few days. |
Ill Omens | Yearly | The Ill Omens skirmish event is a special event which is held periodically. |
The Lost Ring-lore of Eregion | Discontinued | 2008 server-wide event preceding the Launch of Mines of Moria expansion. |
LOTRO Anniversary Celebration | Yearly | Happens around late April to celebrate the release of LOTRO. |
The Ranger's Offensive | Discontinued | The Ranger's Offensive was a special event which was held during Welcome Back Weekends. This event has not been active since the game went F2P in fall 2010. |
Summer Festival | Discontinued | Update 27.3 merged this content into the Farmers Faire. The Midsummer Festival will take up the time slot of the summer festival. |
The Tale of the Shipwrecked Mariners | Yearly | Happens around International Talk Like a Pirate Day on September 19th. |
Tournament of the Twins | Discontinued | A special VIP-only event that launched with Update 26.2.2 on the dedicated event server Bombadil. |
Treasure Bugan Event | Yearly | This event premiered on July 22, 2021. The Treasure Bugan Event tasks players with retrieving treasure from Treasure Bugans that spawn in scaled instances and returning it to Theodore Gorse in exchange for cosmetics. |
Treasure Hunt | Biannually | When active, players can dig for buried treasure at the Treasure Field Base Camp, in Ered Luin. |
Veil of the Nine | Legendary server event | When active, Nazgûl and lesser nameless wraiths spawn on the landscape. Only available on the Angmar and Mordor legendary servers. |
Special Events
| ||
Seasonal events: | Spring Festival • Midsummer Festival • Farmers Faire • Harvest Festival • Yule Festival | |
Recurring events: | Hobnanigans • Treasure Hunt | |
Annual events: | April Fool's Chicken Run • Bilbo & Frodo's Birthday • Durin's Day • Ill Omens • LOTRO Anniversary Celebration • Treasure Bugan Event • The Tale of the Shipwrecked Mariners | |
Crafting events: | Hard Tack Crafting Event • The Combe Forester Event | |
Legendary server events: | Veil of the Nine | |
See also Discontinued Events |