Tham Aeldír

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Tham Aeldír
Type: Ruin
Region: Eryn Lasgalen and the Dale-lands
Area: Eryn Lasgalen
Location: [15.5N, 34.8W]


Tham Aeldír is a landmark within Eryn Lasgalen in Eryn Lasgalen and the Dale-lands. [15.5N, 34.8W]

It is located on a steep knoll above the tree line, access is along a ridge to the west. Go to 15.4N, 35.6W on a slightly higher bit of ground. Face south and head uphill. At around 15.1N, 35.6S it will start to bend around to the south east. Keep going up. At about 14.9N, 35.2W you will be facing east and will come out into sunlight. You are almost there. Just keep going up the slope until you see some ruins. There is a treasure cache at the ruin.


The following deeds can be advanced by visiting this location: