Quest:Mission: Thieves of Antiquity

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Mission: Thieves of Antiquity
Level Scaling
Type Solo
Repeatable Yes
Starts with Khâdamul
Starts at Iridír
Start Region Ambarûl
Map Ref [21.7S, 80.9W]
Quest Group Mission: Ikorbân Valley
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

Khâdamul: 'A villager was out foraging out near Telperiën's Wall and reported seeing Umbari strangers digging for artifacts. These items of antiquity belong to the people of Ambarûl. It is not a free-for-all for outsiders to come and take these things and to sell them in foreign lands. Go there and put a stop to this theft by any means necessary.'


Umbari Corsairs are stealing artifacts from the Ambarûli side of Telperiën's Wall.

Objective 1

Your mission is to stop thieving Corsairs from stealing artifacts from the ruins of Telperiën's Wall, by any means necessary.

Objective 2

  • Talk to Khâdamul

You have dealt with the thieving Corsairs stealing artifacts from the ruins of Telperiën's Wall.

Khâdamul: 'Thank you for stopping these thieves from stealing that which belongs to all of our people.'