Quest:Mission: Defend the River (Instance)

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Mission: Defend the River (Instance)
Level Scaling
Type Solo
Repeatable Yes
Starts with Ashâmi
Starts at Ub Nishir
Start Region Urash Dâr
Map Ref [23.2S, 62.8W]
Quest Group Mission
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

Your mission is to travel to the river near Maurûsh and stop the Orcs there from poisoning the tributary.


Orcs drive south along a tributary to the south of Maurûsh along the river. They intend to poison it, and you must stop them.

Objective 1

  • Destroy poison spreaders (0/5)
  • Defeat Orcs (0/10)

Your mission is to travel to the river near Maurûsh and stop the Orcs there from poisoning the tributary.

Objective 2

  • Talk to Ashâmi

You have successfully stopped the Orcs from poisoning the river! Return with the scout to Ashâmi with this report.

Scout: 'You have saved the river from being poisoned by the Orcs. We should return to Ub Nishir.'