Quest:Mission: Assault on Khetsok (Instance)

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Mission: Assault on Khetsock (Instance)
Level Scaling
Type Solo
Repeatable Yes
Starts with Khâdamul
Starts at Iridír
Start Region Ambarûl
Map Ref [21.7S, 80.9W]
Quest Group Mission
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

Your mission is to help the Dumûri assault the Ordâkhai camp of Khetsok.


Girhâzi has decided it is time to go on the offensive and has ordered an assault on the Ordâkhai camp of Khetsok.

Objective 1

  • Defeat Ordâkhai (0/12)
  • Destroy Ordâkhai provisions (0/6)

Hamper the Ordâkhai efforts in Ambarûl by defeating soldiers and destroying their provisions in Khetsok.

A Dumûri scout has arrived to escort you back to Iridír

Scout: 'Let's make our way back to Iridir.'

Objective 2

  • Speak with Khâdamul in Iridír

You have helped the Dumûri assault the Ordâkhai camp of Khetsok. Return with the Dumûri scout to report your success.