Quest:Mission: Outlaws in Iridír

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Mission: Outlaws in Iridír
Level Scaling
Type Solo
Repeatable Yes
Starts with Khâdamul
Starts at Iridír
Start Region Ambarûl
Map Ref [21.7S, 80.9W]
Quest Group Mission
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

Khâdamul: 'Brigands and outlaws have gone unchecked in Ambarûl for too long. They have now become so brazen that they are preparing to pillage Iridír! Stand by our side and help the Dumûri repel this attack.'


The brigands in Ambarûl have become bold and are attacking Iridír.

Objective 1

Your mission is to help the Dumûri defend Iridír from pillaging brigands. Raise the control point banner when each area has been cleared of attackers.

Talk to Khâdamul when you are ready to defend Iridír.

Objective 2

  • Speak with Khâdamul in Iridír

You have helped the Dumûri defend Iridír from pillaging brigands! Return with Khâdamul to discuss your success.

Khâdamul: 'Thank you for helping us with the defense of Iridír. I hope the outlaws have learned a lesson they will not soon forget.