Quest:Mission: Defend the River

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Mission: Defend the River
Level Scaling
Type Solo
Repeatable Yes
Starts with Ashâmi
Starts at Ub Nishir
Start Region Urash Dâr
Map Ref [23.2S, 62.8W]
Quest Group Mission: Ikorbân Valley
[hide]Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'We need your help <class>.Reports have come in that the Orcs are poisoning the river to the south of Maurûsh, we need you to go and stop them before the tributary is defiled!'


Your mission is to defend the river from the Orcs who intend to poison it.

Objective 1

Your mission is to travel to the river near Maurûsh and stop the Orcs there from poisoning the tributary.

Speak to Ashâmi to travel.

Objective 2

  • Talk to Ashâmi

You have successfully stopped the Orcs from poisoning the river! Return with the scout to Ashâmi with this report.

Ashâmi: 'The river is safe for now. I do not doubt that the Orcs will try again as long as they remain in control of Maurûsh.'