Quest:Mission: Eviction Notice

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Mission: Eviction Notice
Level Scaling
Type Solo
Repeatable Yes
Starts with Khâdamul
Starts at Iridír
Start Region Ambarûl
Map Ref [21.7S, 80.9W]
Quest Group Mission: Ikorbân Valley
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

Khâdamul: 'Are you ready for a fight <name>? Girhâzi has given the order to clear the Ordâkhai out of Omboha, their camp to the north. Would you like to take on this mission?


Girhâzi has given the order to clear the Ordâkhai out of Omboha, their camp to the north.

Objective 1

Your mission is to clear the Ordâkhai from their camp north of Iridír, You should defeat the Ordâkhai and burn their tents.

Objective 2

  • Talk to Khâdamul

You have defeated the Ordâkhai, burned their tents, and bested their champion. Return with Khâdamul to report your success.

Khâdamul: 'Thank you for running the Ordâkhai out of Omboha. Ambarûl is a safer place for it.'