Quest:Instance: Sigileth In The Darkness

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Instance: Sigileth In The Darkness
Level 150
Type Solo
Starts with Corudan
Starts at The Dagor Carlanthir
Start Region Urash Dâr
Ends with Sigileth
Ends at Utug-bûr
End Region Urash Dâr
Map Ref [13.3S, 51.5W]
Quest Group The Song of Waves and Wind
Quest Chain The Song of Waves and Wind: Chapter 13
Reflecting Pool Urash Dâr Reflecting Pool
Quest Text

Sigileth In The Darkness
"Great evil resides within this place. We should find my sister and get out of here!"


You have only moments before the entrance to Utug-bûr collapses. If you are to escape with Sigileth, you will have to act quickly.

Objective 1

  • Talk to Corudan inside Utug-bûr
  • Fight alongside Corudan inside Utug-bûr

Corudan knows the need for haste if you are to rescue Sigileth.

Corudan: 'Hurry, <name>! We have little time to waste!'
Corudan says, "Sigileth wounded these creatures, but she did not stay to finish them."

Objective 2

  • Heed the words of Corudan

You can go no further inside Utug-bûr or you will be trapped forever with the Thardúth.

Corudan says, "We can go no further!"
Corudan says, "We would not have the time to escape!"
Corudan says, "Call for her, <name>!"
Corudan says, "It is all we can do!"

Objective 3

  • Choose your words with care and call for Sigileth to return to you

You can go no further without risking entombment with the Thardúth... but perhaps Sigileth will hear your voice if you call for her down the hallway!

Objective 4

  • Escape from Utug-bûr!
  • You have to reach the exit before the entrance collapses!

You are out of time! You must escape from Utug-bûr!

Objective 5

Days later, anxious eyes turn to the east and consider the army of soldiers approaching Umbar Baharbêl.

Days pass, and a ruler in Umbar Baharbêl anxiously awaits news

Objective 6

  • Talk to your brother Jajax in Dâr Laja and tell him what you saw

Jajax waits in Dâr Laja to hear news of what his brother Daxamat learned of the approaching army.

Jajax: 'What did you see, Dax? An army approaches Umbar Baharbêl?'
You tell Jajax that a great force of soldiers emerged from Ambarûl, drawing even with Telperiën's Wall, but they raised no banner and you could not discern their loyalties.
'Did you see <name> among them? Or perhaps Belondor leads these men? Is this army the same that he took with him in haste... or is it an army of Heirsworn, come to take the city?
'I am not bringing Hármelak these tidings, Dax. I leave that to you!'

Objective 7

Hármelak waits for tidings of the army that approaches the city, and your brother Jajax is not about to give her this news. It falls to you to do this, Daxamat.

Hármelak: 'What is it? I can see from your face you have tidings to share, but you fear they will be unwelcome. Speak them, and I will decide if it is so.'
You tell Hármelak that an army approaches the city, but you were unable to see who leads it, or what their intentions may be. Hármelak purses her lips, deep in thought.
'When Belondor asked to bring soldiers to battle in the lands to the east, I told him I needed time to think upon it; he waited not for my answer, but took the soldiers and marched within the hour. Such disrespect cannot be allowed... but it is said that when commanders of men taste victory in battle, they can at times desire more and more. If Belondor leads this returning army, will he think to use it to take control of this city?
'Or perhaps this is an army of Heirsworn. If Balakhâd escaped capture by the party sent to retrieve him, his survival could prove a beacon to his folk. Thinks he to overthrow the Kindred of the Coins? But from where could this army have come?'
You suggest to Hármelak that there may be a third possibility. She considers you carefully.
'What is this third possibility, tidings-bearer Daxamat?'
You suggest that the army may be tired from battle in the east, and the soldiers may simply want to return home. In this you see the guidance of <name>, a hero who knows when to fight, and when not to fight. Hármelak weighs your suggestion.
'We will see if you are right, Daxamat. We will see. Send word to the scouts that whoever leads this army is to be brought before me at once!'

Objective 8

  • Days earlier, in the aftermath of the Dagor Carlanthir

Several days ago, in the aftermath of the Dagor Carlanthir.

Days earlier, in the aftermath of the Dagor Carlanthir

Objective 9

  • Break the rubble beside the collapsed entrance to Utug-bûr

You cannot have imagined it! You know someone lives beneath the rubble!

Objective 10

  • Break more of the rubble beside the collapsed entrance to Utug-bûr

You cannot have imagined it! You know someone lives beneath the rubble!

She lives! Can it be possible?

Objective 11

  • Talk to Sigileth among the rubble beside the collapsed entrance to Utug-bûr

Your quick action has unearthed Sigileth from the rubble that might have proved her tomb!

Corudan: 'I cannot believe it!'
Sigileth: '<name>...
'Has anyone... ever told you...
'You are such... a bother...'
Sigileth smiles up at you weakly.
'Thank you... my dear friend...' she murmurs quietly.
Instance: Sigileth In The Darkness