Quest:Desperate Battle: Legolas and Gimli of the North

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Desperate Battle: Legolas and Gimli of the North
Level 150
Type Solo
Starts with Legolas
Starts at The Dagor Carlanthir
Start Region Urash Dâr
Quest Group The Song of Waves and Wind
Quest Chain The Song of Waves and Wind: Chapter 13
Quest Text

'There are not enough of us to maintain a complete defensive line, <name>! See you not the holes in our defence?

'Go to the waterfall ahead of me to the north-west and try to fill the gap there! You must battle the enemies that seek to take advantage of our limited numbers. Do not leave that spot until you have stayed there long enough to make a difference! Afterward you should find Gimli and see if he knows of a similar gap in our defensive line!'


Legolas and Gimli seek to patch holes in the defensive line during the Dagor Carlanthir.

Objective 1

  • Hurry to defend the waterfall north-west of Legolas

Legolas asked you to stand your ground before the waterfall to the north-west.

Legolas: 'Go to the waterfall ahead of me to the north-west and try to fill the gap there! You must battle the enemies that seek to take advantage of our limited numbers. Do not leave that spot until you have stayed there long enough to make a difference! Afterward you should find Gimli and see if he knows of a similar gap in our defensive line!'
You have to defend this location long enough to secure it from your enemies!

Objective 2

  • Defend the north-west waterfall until time is up
  • Do not leave the north-west waterfall or you will fail the quest!

You must defend the north-west waterfall and not leave it until enough time has passed!

You have secured the north-west waterfall!

Objective 3

  • Talk to Gimli during the Dagor Carlanthir

Gimli fights to the south-east during the Dagor Carlanthir.

Gimli: 'I cannot be everywhere at once, <name>! You will have to fill the gaps in our defences! Legolas had the same idea? Then you can assure him it was a good one, for I have a sharp mind for such things!
'But go to the waterfall to my south-east and defend it until you have made a difference, as you did at the other!'

Objective 4

  • Hurry to defend the waterfall to Gimli's south-east

Gimli asked you to stand your ground at the waterfall to his south-east.

Gimli: 'Go to the waterfall to my south-east and defend it until you have made a difference!'
You have to defend this location long enough to secure it from your enemies!

Objective 5

  • Defend the south-eastern waterfall until time is up
  • Do not leave the south-eastern waterfall or you will fail the quest!

You must defend the waterfall to the south-east of Gimli, and not leave it until enough time has passed!

You have secured the south-eastern waterfall!

Objective 6

  • Talk to Legolas during the Dagor Carlanthir

Legolas fights during the Dagor Carlanthir.

Legolas: 'Let us hope your defensive work at those locations showed the Orcs the folly of seeking to slip past our line! The battle shows no sign of nearing its end, but I have not yet begun to tire.
'I am certain Gimli would say the same!'