Quest:Desperate Battle: Khôltekh of the Shoreward Stone

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Desperate Battle: Khôltekh of the Shoreward Stone
Level 150
Type Solo
Starts with Khôltekh
Starts at The Dagor Carlanthir
Start Region Urash Dâr
Quest Group The Song of Waves and Wind
Quest Chain The Song of Waves and Wind: Chapter 13
Quest Text

'You have heard that knowledge is power? It is true: battles are won by the side that obtains the most intelligence.

'Hunt the goblin-spies that scamper throughout the battlefield, <name>. They should pose little danger to you, but while they live they can deliver messages to their masters. We must stop the delivery of these messages if we wish to attain the upper hand in this battle.'


Khôltekh fights for Umbar during the Dagor Carlanthir.

Objective 1

Goblin-spies creep along the edges of the fighting during the Dagor Carlanthir.

Khôltekh: 'Hunt the goblin-spies that scamper throughout the battlefield, <name>. They should pose little danger to you, but while they live they can deliver messages to their masters. We must stop the delivery of these messages if we wish to attain the upper hand in this battle.'
Defeated goblin-spies during the Dagor Carlanthir (4/5)

Objective 2

  • Defeat goblin-spies during the Dagor Carlanthir (4/5)

Goblin-spies creep along the edges of the fighting during the Dagor Carlanthir.

Khôltekh: 'Hunt the goblin-spies that scamper throughout the battlefield, <name>. They should pose little danger to you, but while they live they can deliver messages to their masters. We must stop the delivery of these messages if we wish to attain the upper hand in this battle.'

Objective 3

  • Find Balakhâd south of Mithrandir's position during the Dagor Carlanthir

You caught sight of Balakhâd fighting a goblin-spy to the south during the Dagor Carlanthir.

Despite his injuries, Balakhâd survived his fight with a goblin-spy

Objective 4

  • Talk to Balakhâd to the south of Mithrandir's position during the Dagor Carlanthir

You have found Balakhâd on the edge of the fighting during the Dagor Carlanthir.

Balakhâd: 'When Sigileth the Elf came to the oasis to speak with the Kintai, I listened to the message she brought. She spoke of the great evil waking in these canyons, but I did not expect...'
Balakhâd's eyes are wide as he stares about himself at the boiling mass of Orcs.
'I wanted to see it for myself... but no longer! No longer!'

Objective 5

  • Wait for Balakhâd to escape

Overwhelmed by the sight of such evil, Balakhâd flees from the battle.

Objective 6

  • Talk to Khôltekh during the Dagor Carlanthir

Khôltekh is on the eastern bank of the river during the Dagor Carlanthir.

Khôltekh: 'You have slain some of the goblin-spies? Good. Attacking an enemy's sources of knowledge may at times be more effective than wounding them directly.
'Knowledge is power, <name>. Never forget that!'