Quest:Desperate Battle: Glorfindel of Imladris

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Desperate Battle: Glorfindel of Imladris
Level 150
Type Solo
Starts with Glorfindel
Starts at The Dagor Carlanthir
Start Region Urash Dâr
Quest Group The Song of Waves and Wind
Quest Chain The Song of Waves and Wind: Chapter 13
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'I saw how the warriors of Ambarûl responded when you invoked the name of their great hero, <name>. Let us similarly inspire the Elves!

'Take this Elf-stone and hold it aloft in the company of the Eldar! May it shine as a beacon against the darkness that threatens to spill from Utug-bûr!'


The Elf-lord Glorfindel fights valiantly during the Dagor Carlanthir.

Objective 1

  • Hold the Elf-stone aloft to inspire the Elf-twins

Glorfindel asked you to hold the Elf-stone aloft near Elladan and Elrohir, who fight their enemies in the middle of the river to the north-west during the Dagor Carlanthir. Use Shimmering Elf-stone

Glorfindel: 'Hold aloft the Elf-stone I gave you in the company of the Eldar! May it shine as a beacon against the darkness that threatens to spill from Utug-bûr!'
The light of the Elf-stone shines upon Elladan and Elrohir

Objective 2

Glorfindel asked you to hold the Elf-stone aloft near Legolas, who fights on the western side of the river during the Dagor Carlanthir.

The light of the Elf-stone shines upon Legolas

Objective 3

  • Hold the Elf-stone aloft to inspire Sigileth

Glorfindel asked you to hold the Elf-stone aloft near Sigileth, who fights during the Dagor Carlanthir by the northern waterfall that hides Utug-bûr.

The light of the Elf-stone shines upon Sigileth

Objective 4

  • Talk to Sigileth during the Dagor Carlanthir

Sigileth fights beside Silirtas during the Dagor Carlanthir by the waterfall that hides Utug-bûr.

Sigileth: 'The Orcs fear and hate the light of the Elf-stone you carry, even as it renews my own determination to triumph!
'I returned as quickly as I could with some of the Avabár-kintai, and they fight bravely in defence of their groves and their people. But you should know something, <name>.
'Balakhâd was not yet fully-recovered from his injuries, but he followed my small band of Kintai reinforcements here from Shonith. I saw him at times from a great distance, pursuing us as we came north. I know not where he is now, but he may watch the battle from afar, waiting to see which side prevails.'

Objective 5

  • Return the Elf-stone to Glorfindel during the Dagor Carlanthir

Glorfindel fights to the south of Sigileth and Silirtas during the Dagor Carlanthir.

Sigileth: 'Balakhâd was not yet fully-recovered from his injuries, but he followed my small band of Kintai reinforcements here from Shonith. I saw him at times from a great distance, pursuing us as we came north. I know not where he is now, but he may watch the battle from afar, waiting to see which side prevails.'
Glorfindel: 'Thank you for bringing the light of the Elf-stone to bear during the battle!
'We will fight on! We have no choice but to prevail!'