Quest:Desperate Battle: Sirgon of Lebennin

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Desperate Battle: Sirgon of Lebennin
Level 150
Type Solo
Starts with Sirgon
Starts at The Dagor Carlanthir
Start Region Urash Dâr
Quest Group The Song of Waves and Wind
Quest Chain The Song of Waves and Wind: Chapter 13
Quest Text

'I am not as young as once I was, but I can still fight!

'I will not have Belondor return from his city with reinforcements to see me cowering behind the line of battle! Let us slay as many Orcs as we can, <name>, and protect the lives of our friends and the homes we left behind!'


Sirgon may not possess the physical strength of his youth, but still he fights during the Dagor Carlanthir.

Objective 1

  • Defeat Urâshi warriors during the Dagor Carlanthir (0/8)
  • Defeat Urâshi skirmishers during the Dagor Carlanthir (0/6)

Orcs in service to the Utûgi charge across the battlefield during the Dagor Carlanthir.

Sirgon: 'Let us slay as many Orcs as we can, <name>, and protect the lives of our friends and the homes we left behind!'
Defeated Urâshi warriors during the Dagor Carlanthir (8/8)
Defeated Urâshi skirmishers during the Dagor Carlanthir (8/8)

Objective 1

  • Talk to Sirgon during the Dagor Carlanthir

Sirgon fights along the north-western bank of the river during the Dagor Carlanthir.

Sirgon: 'There is no end to these creatures! Good!
'That means there is still glory to be won, and we will win it!
'I have not engaged in combat like this for years, <name>! I will not let down my friends! For Lebennin and for Gondor!'