Shared Effects

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A couple effects are shared between different classes to prevent the issue of stacking effects.

Renewed Defences

Class Skill Primary Effect Secondary Effect
 Oathbreaker's Shame  Oathbreaker's Shame  Renewed Defences
 A Murder of Crows  Murder of Crows Debuff
 The Breaking of Thangorodrim  The Breaking of Thangorodrim

Class Skill Primary Effect
 Standard of War  Standard of War Damage Buff
 Battle Knowledge  Battle Lore
 Call the Banners of War  Banners of War

To Arms

Class Skill Primary Effect Secondary Effect
 To Arms (Blade-brother)  To Arms (Blade-brother)  Exhaustion
 Major Pet Command  To Arms
 The West Wind  The West Wind: To Arms


Class Skill Primary Effect Secondary Effect
 Inspire (Blade-brother)  Inspire (Fellowship Blade-brother)  Master of War
 Sign of the Wild: Rage  Inspire
 Dramatic Flourish  Inspired  Imitating a Master of War

Rousing Cry

Class Skill Primary Effect
 Rallying Cry  Rousing Cry Damage Buff
 The North Wind


Class Skill Primary Effect
 Telling Mark  Telling Mark
 Marked Foes  Bloodied Target

Major Rent Armour

Class Skill Primary Effect
 Trickster  Major Rent Armour: Trickster
 Explosive Arrow  Major Rent Armour: Explosive Arrow
 Ancient Craft  Major Rent Armour: Ancient Craft
 Caustic Brew  Major Rent Armour: Extremely Caustic Liquid

Minor Rent Armour

Class Skill Primary Effect
 Improved Startling Twist  Minor Rent Armour: Burglar
 The One Trap  Minor Rent Armour: The One Trap
 Sticky Tar  Minor Rent Armour: Sticky Tar
 Pitch Pot  Minor Rent Armour: Boiling Pitch


Class Skill Primary Effect
 Motivating Speech  Motivated
 Sign of Power: Vigilance
 Motivating Song

Brittle Frost

Class Skill Primary Effect
 Staff Sweep  Brittle Frost
 Flurry of Words  Brittle Frost