Amon Firn

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Amon Firn
Type: Ruins
Region: Cardolan
Area: South Downs
Location: [44.5S, 29.1W]
Amon Firn
Amon Firn

Amon Firn is a landmark within the South Downs of Cardolan. [44.5S, 29.1W]

This hill was the site of a terrible battle in the later days of Cardolan. Among the terrible losses of the Battle of Amon Firn (Sindarin for Hill of the Dead) were King Artandil, the last king of Cardolan, and King Malgun I of Rhudaur.

A monument to the dead was raised, and now it is used as an outpost by half-orcs who must contend with the shades stirred from their rest.




These deeds can be advanced by exploring this location:


These creatures are encountered within this location:


"The slaughter of the Battle of Amon Firn was so intense that the hill became known as the Deadmount. A great cairn was erected in memory of the slain.
Here it was that the last Dúnadan king of Cardolan, Artandil, slew and was slain by King Malgun I of Rhudaur. Red flowers have bloomed here ever after." — Deed
