User:Elf of Mirkwood/Iomn
This article is a Player character biography page The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Lotro history or occurrences which are accurate for all worlds. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only. |
Iomn | |
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Nu Ithil ar Elin | |
World: | Imladris |
Vocation: | Tinker |
Class: | Minstrel |
Race: | Elves of Mirkwood |
Region: | Rivendell or Felegoth |
Age: | 529 |
Height: | 6ft. |
Sex: | Male |
Skin: | Medium-Light |
Hair: | Blond |
Eye: | Grey |

Iomn is born on Spring Festival in the year 2503. 529 years before the fhird age.
Iomn was raised by Man in Bree, because Galion and Findir couldn't educate him. But on his 13 age he realized that he was different than his other classmates. He, he was een Elf. After 10 years search for where he came from. He went to Rivendell, what he knew Elves were to ask them for ther help. In Rivendell He was looking for books about his possible parents. After searching of 200 years he found out that he came from Mirkwood. And after 5 years preparing for his journey he left Rivendell to go too his family in Mirkwood.
After a journey of 5 years he was in Felegoth were his family live/lived. When he looked in the birthregistration he found out that he was from The Lindon Family, who lived more 5 million years and that all the family members were still alive. So he moved to the Hall of living in Felegoth. After 5 hours walking in the great hall a Male Elf came to him and asked where he came from and what he was doing in Felegoth. Iomn said that he was looking for his family who left him 528 years alone in Bree. The 'Man' said: I'm from The Linfor Family. Hello I'm Galion.
And in this way Iomn came into contact with his family.
Iomn is an 'peacefull' Elf. But he is an Elf who is in for a battle, against filty Orcs or Goblins. With his Sword skills as Silvan Wood Elf is no Orc or Goblin dangerous match for him. He's been almost everywhere in Middle-earth and when he is there, he tries to help the 'people' in that area. Because of that he's very good known around Middle-earth. If he comes in Thorin's Hall, Bree or Rivendell the 'people' cheers to him and give him presents or food.
When Iomn has nothing to do he's fishing or he's killing Orcs, Goblins, Wargs or against The Dead people and than he used his Mother Nature powers as a Minstrel or hurt his target with a horrible sound with his Bagpipe. And with this killing he is saving Middle-Earth from danger indiractly.
Also Iomn spend much time with his friends, who are widespread in Middle-earth. Than they fight against each other or help each other with quests. Or they relax in pubs.
In his past years he defended Eriador with his friends, against the evill side of Middle-earth.
Elrond:'With my friend Iomn I've done a lot in terms for the safety of the Elves'.
When Iomn is going to a part of his 'familie' in Mirkwood he doen't take the path of Moria.
No.... He takes the road in the Misty Mountains, because he don't want to follow a normale path.
He likes to ride on pathes that isn't known by Orcs or Goblins, so because of that he rides through the mountains.
Iomn is an Elf who likes to kill for the safety of his own kind or other kinds and it doesn't matter how long he needs to travel to help the 'people'.
Friends and Enemies
- Sauron
- Saruman
- Azog
- The Witch King
Gallery of Memories
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Iomn spending time Fishing on his way to Sûri-kylä. |
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Iomn making Jewelery for his friends or him self. |
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Iomn into battle. |
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