The Keen Blade

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The Keen Blade (Red line) is a Guardian Trait Tree. The other two trait trees of this class are The Defender of the Free and the Fighter of Shadow.

The Keen Blade
Uses Bleeds and high-damage attacks to defeat foes.
Focuses on dealing damage. Skills have high base damage, bleeds, and powerful finishing skills.
Skills Earned:
Retaliation and Whirling Retaliation become Breach and Whirling Breach; these skills allow the use of Parry and Block response chains.


These skills are only acquired by specializing in the Keen Blade (red) trait tree and spending trait points. Note that points spent outside the red trait tree will still advance The Keen Blade if you are specialized in it, but at a slower rate.

Active Skills Category CD Source
 Breach Melee + Buff 5s Set: Initial Skill
 Whirling Breach Melee AoE + Buff 5s Set: Initial Skill
 Overwhelm Melee + Bleed 10s Set: Initial Skill
 Thrust Melee + Bleed 5s Trait:  Thrust
 Brutal Assault Melee 20s Trait:  Brutal Assault
 Protection by the Sword Buff 10s Set:  Protection by the Sword
 To The King Melee + Stun 5s Trait:  To The King
 Relentless Fury Buff 2m Set:  Relentless Fury
 Brutal Charge Run Speed + Buff 1m Set:  Brutal Charge
 Hammer Down Melee + Stun 40s Trait:  Hammer Down

Set Bonuses

Set Traits Description Source
 Valorous Strength Buff Set: 5+ total ranks
 Bleed Them Dry Improves effects: Deep Wound, Terrible Wound, Slashing Wound, Haemorrhaging Wound Set: 10+ total ranks
 Protection by the Sword Gain skill Protection by the Sword Set: 15+ total ranks
 Relentless Fury Gain skill Relentless Fury Set: 20+ total ranks
 Brutal Charge Changes Charge to become Brutal Charge Set: 25+ total ranks
 Heavy Blows Buff Set: 30+ total ranks
 Prey on the Weak Buff Set: 35+ total ranks


Tree Traits Description Source
 Thrill of Battle Buff Trait: 0+ ranks
 Heavy Weapons Training Buff Trait: 0+ ranks
 Broad Strokes Improves skill Sweeping Cut Trait: 5+ ranks
 Thrust Gain skill Thrust Trait: 5+ ranks
 Brutal Assault Gain skill Brutal Assault Trait: 10+ ranks
 Tireless Blows Improves skill Brutal Assault Trait: 10+ ranks,
Brutal Assault (1)
 Invigourating Response Power Trait: 10+ ranks
 Deeper Wounds Improves skills: Thrust, Overwhelm Trait: 15+ ranks,
Thrust (1)
 To The King Gain skill To The King Trait: 15+ ranks
 Haemorrhage Buff, Improves skill Brutal Assault Trait: 20+ ranks,
Brutal Assault (1)
 Into the Fray Improves skills: Charge, Brutal Charge Trait: 20+ ranks
 Warrior's Advantage Buff Trait: 25+ ranks
 Blind Rage Improves skill To The King Trait: 25+ ranks,
To The King (1)
 Hammer Down Gain skill Hammer Down Trait: 30+ ranks
 Rupture Improves skill Hammer Down Trait: 30+ ranks,
Hammer Down (1)