Whirling Breach

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Whirling Breach
  • 5.2m Range
  • Fast
  • Melee Skill
  • Max Targets: 5
  • Radius: 5m
  • A whirling attack that opens enemies to a greater attack.

    Opens a combat response.
  • ... (Main-hand) Damage
  • Any skills that are based on a successful parry response may now be played.
  • Duration: 6s
  • Any skills that are based on a successful block response may now be played.
  • Duration: 6s
  • Cost: [135 at Level 150] Power
  • Cooldown: 5s

General Information

Class: Guardian

Trait tree: The Keen Blade

Rank needed: 0

Specializing in The Keen Blade replaces  Whirling Retaliation with this skill.


Using this skill applies the following effects to the Guardian:

Skill Interactions

Whirling Breach is part of the Guardian's response chains. It allows the following skills to be used within 6s:

When traited,  War-chant reduces the active cooldown of this skill by up to 5 seconds.

Trait Interactions

Tracery Interactions

Armour Set Interactions

Equipping both pieces of the Insignia of the Iron Tower jewellery set acquired from the Legacy of Morgoth Instance Cluster increases the damage of this skill by 5%.

Tactical Information

Whirling Breach is a core skill for Red-line Guardians. It allows powerful skills like Thrust and Overwhelm to be used, as well as defensive skills like Redirect and Catch a Breath. This skill is also one of the Red-line Guardian's most powerful damage skills, so it should be used as much as possible. Due to its long animation, it can be interrupted by immediate skills like Breach and Stamp.