Talk:Level restrictions
Angmar minimum level requirement
At level 19 there is no warning when entering Ram Duath in the western part of Angmar from North Downs via Nan Amlug West. Also no warning when entering the main settlement of Aughaire. This indicates a level 15 requirement for these two areas perhaps (needs confirming) I am not sure why Ram Duath doesn't have a higher requirement as the creatures there are level 40+. Perhaps as some parts overlap into the lower level east and west Nan Amlug. Aughaire is perhaps lower level as a main settlement.
There is a warning entering Fasach-larran, both a small part just before you enter Aughaire from Ram Duath and as you exit north into main part of Fasach-larran. This indicates a minimum level of at least 20 for West Angar generally apart from these two exceptions. --Moonraker - Toodlepip (talk) 03:14, 8 March 2016 (UTC)
- Update: At level 15 the warnings were the same as above. Therefore I will update main page with a minimum level requirement of 15 for two areas in the west of Angmar. Still need to check with a lower level character to confirm. --Moonraker - Toodlepip (talk) 03:24, 9 March 2016 (UTC)
- Update: At level 20 continuing into Fasach-larran gave no warning, or into Fasach-falroid or Western Malenhad. Entry to the eastern part of Angmar is gated by quests so not possible to test further. Updating main page to indicate a minimum level requirement for these areas as level 20, with the previous two as level 15 already noted. East Angmar has entry gated by the epic quest stage Volume 1, Book 6, Chapter 6: Challenging the Stone, at level 46 quest (possible to accept at level 41 being five levels difference?). --Moonraker - Toodlepip (talk) 05:09, 10 March 2016 (UTC)
Evendim minimum level requirement
At level 19 no warning entering Evendim from North Downs into Parth Aduial. Nor in Ost Forod or in Tinnudir. Travelling south through Barandalf to High King's Crossing gave no warning.
On entering Men Erain from High King's Crossing there was a warning including the small hub there. It was possible to use the boat fast travel to all destinations without discovering them however.
Using the fast travel boat service to The Eavespires at Northern Emyn Uial gave a warning on arrival and the danger of aggro from nearby creatures. Moving east into Tyrn Fornech (including Tham Habad, The Duskencleft and Cirith Rhîw) gave no warning.
Entering Evendim from The Shire into Oatbarton (including Northcotton Vineyard) via Bullroarer's Throat gave no warning. Continuing through Bullroarer's Sward to Dwaling and Glass-blowers' Camp, on into the south of Barandalf (including Whitshards) until the warning entering Men Erain again.
So it looks like it is generally a higher level requirement than level 19 to the south around Annúminas and the west of Evendim. The page indicates level 35 for Annúminas (too high for the west side also? --Moonraker - Toodlepip (talk) 04:14, 8 March 2016 (UTC)
- Update: At level 15 the warnings were the same as above. Therefore I will update main page with a minimum level requirement of 15 for east part of Evendim. Still need to check with a lower level character to confirm. --Moonraker - Toodlepip (talk) 03:40, 10 March 2016 (UTC)
- Update: At level 20 still the warning entering Men Erain (as expected) --Moonraker - Toodlepip (talk) 03:40, 10 March 2016 (UTC)
- Update: At level 20 fast travelling toThe Eavespires at Northern Emyn Uial gave a no warning on arrival. No warning either in Southern Emyn Uial which confirms that the area to the west of the lake has a minimum level requirement of 20. The area around Annúminas is higher as anticipated. Updating main page. --Moonraker - Toodlepip (talk) 03:40, 10 March 2016 (UTC)
- Update: At level 32 no warning entering Men Erain. Warning on entering Annúminas. Therefore different level requirements with Men Erain being separate with a higher requirement than the east or western parts of Evendim and looks like level 35 is the minimum for Annúminas.
- Update: At level 25 no warning entering Men Erain. Therefore different level requirements with Men Erain being separate with a higher requirement than the east or western parts of Evendim at level 25. Updating list to reflect this.
Misty Mountains minimum level requirement
At level 19, entering the Misty Mountains into Bruinen Source West from Rivendell gave a warning (as expected). --Moonraker - Toodlepip (talk) 04:35, 8 March 2016 (UTC)
- At level 20 there was no warning entering Bruinen Source West from Rivendell. No warning either in Bruinen Source North or Bruinen Source East indicating that the east of the region has a minimum level requirement of level 20. Updating main page with this data. Entering High Crag and Northern High Pass produced a warning indicating that there is a higher level requirement to the east of the region.
- Update: Character levelled to 24 and still a warning in the eastern areas. Hit level 25 and no warning in High Crag and Northern High Pass. Confirming a level 25 minimum level requirement for these eastern areas. Updating page. --Moonraker - Toodlepip (talk) 08:52, 12 March 2016 (UTC)
Trollshaws minimum level requirement
At level 15 no warning entering Trollshaws over the The Last Bridge into South Trollshaws. Confirming the main page level. At level 19 there is a warning when entering the Ford of Bruinen and on up into High Moor splitting the level requirement to 15 west of the Bruinen and higher than 19 to the east as updated in the main page. --Moonraker - Toodlepip (talk) 05:15, 9 March 2016 (UTC)
- Update: At level 20 there was no warning moving east over the Bruinen confirming level 20 as the minimum level for that area. --Moonraker - Toodlepip (talk) 03:40, 10 March 2016 (UTC)
Forochel minimum level requirement
At level 25 warning on entering Taur Orthon in Forochel from Evendim (as expected) Just checking included level. --Moonraker - Toodlepip (talk) 09:24, 12 March 2016 (UTC)
Eregion minimum level requirement
Checking current level indicated (35), at level 33 there is no warning when entering Glad Ereg and arriving at Gwingris in the north section of Eregion, from Trollshaws via Tâl Bruinen. No warning either in Pend Eregion. Warning occurred when attempting to continue south into High Hollin.
This appears to confirm that generally the minimum level requirement for areas within regions, is tied to the level of the local Milestone (and/ or Camp Site Fire / Mustering Horn). The Milestone in Gwingris indicates a required level of 33 which matches exactly the minimum level required to avoid the warning. Hard to say if there are any exceptions. In Eregion it may indicate that the region is in fact split into three levels, as the Milestones vary from memory.
Currently then I will update the main page to reflect this revised level requirement for the northern area of Eregion and indicate which two areas they are for clarity. Then check further south when I have a character at the right levels to do so. --Moonraker - Toodlepip (talk) 11:19, 12 March 2016 (UTC)
Dunland minimum level requirement
At level 47 no warning entering Dunland from Enedwaith into Trum Dreng or Bonevales. No warning in either Pren Gwydh (including Galtrev or Starkmoor. Warnings on entering Gravenwood and Carreglyn to the west; also Dunbog in the south east corner. Tentatively propose level 45 minimum level requirement for the eastern side except for Dunbog. Perhaps level 50 for Dunbog and the western side. Need confirming. --Moonraker - Toodlepip (talk) 22:31, 11 March 2016 (UTC)