
Grims are a species of Ancient Evil.
Grims are spirits that manifest as swirling vortices of a particular element, surrounded by shards of solid debris. Grims dwell in locations with an affinity for their element, or are summoned by shamans, sorcerers, and greater spirits who hold them in thrall. They are usually minor in status, but a few truly mighty grims exist. The Gauredain believe grims are the lost souls of those of their people who have been exiled for cowardice. However, the wise believe they are spirits lingering in the world long after the fall of their ancient Dark Lord.[1] This would classify them as Umaiar, fallen Maiar lured to evil by Morgoth.
Some miniature grims have been taken as "pets" by some adventurers. It may be unwise to apply such a term to immortal elemental spirits, but they seem innocuous.
Locations where grims can be found include:
Quests and Instances
- Angmar:
- Dunland:
- Erebor:
- Far Anórien:
- Moria:
Grims are usually aggressive, and usually of Normal difficulty. They are weakest to Beleriand damage, and are most resistant to Common damage.
Grims deal elemental damage corresponding to their type, and each type has its own special attacks. Whether or not they serve the Dark Lord, grims in the wild willingly pose a menace to travellers and are thus classified as Evil in alignment.
Frost Grims
Frost Grims embody the frigid winds of the north. They are found in frozen regions such as Forochel and Wildermore, as well as the Redhorn Pass in Eregion. They can inflict a Freezing wound, knock their opponents back with an icy wind, or cause them to be momentarily Rooted by ice. Their Form of the Beast attack has them momentarily take the shape of a Troll's upper body and pummel their target.
Fire Grims
Fire Grims embody the element of fire. They are found in fiery locations such as the Plateau of Gorgoroth and the Flaming Deeps of Moria, and are often associated with Regmyl and the Ghâsh-hai. They can inflict an Impending Flame that ends with the target being struck by a pillar of flame if still in combat when it expires. Their Form of the Dragon attack has them momentarily take the shape of a Drake and breath a jet of fire on their target.
Shadow Grims
Shadow Grims are spirits of pure darkness given form. They are found in locations of evil shadow such as Mirkwood and the Ered Lithui on the Plateau of Gorgoroth, and are often associated with Regmyl and with sorcerers. Their shadow abilities can leave a target Chilled or inflict Blindness upon them, and can manifest in the form of three Shadow Roots. Their Form of the Spider attack has them momentarily take the shape of a Spider to strike at their target.
Crystal Grims
Crystal Grims are spirits of the earth. They draw powerful crystals to them in the form of a swirling cloud of debris. When slain, these Grims cause a circle of crystals to burst violently out of the ground. Crystal Grims are mostly found in subterranean areas such as the Pit of Stonejaws in the deepest levels of Mount Gundabad.
Grims were created for The Lord of the Rings Online, inspired by lesser spirits in J.R.R. Tolkien's stories. In The Silmarillion, Tolkien refers to Maiar that took the forms of fire-spirits, water-spirits, and shadow-spirits, though he does not use the term Grim.
A list of all known varieties of Grim:
- Images of Grims.
A Brumal Grim, one of the many Frost Grims of Forochel.
The Shard of Tauressar, a shattered yet volatile remnant of an ancient Númenórean artifact, in Gwathrenost, in Angmar.
A Sandstorm found in the deserts of Aradâr, on the Cape of Umbar.