Quest:Salves for a Ravaged Land, Part 3

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Salves for a Ravaged Land, Part 3
Level 150
Type Solo
Starts with Usakâr the Hermit
Starts at Tir Khûl
Start Region Imhûlar
Map Ref [41.8S, 66.3W]
Ends with Cúridwan, the Golden Maiden
Ends at Kûgrun
End Region Imhûlar
Map Ref [43.9S, 65.7W]
Quest Group Ikorbân Valley: Imhûlar
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'Here we are. I knew we'd make it. I know this cave like the back of my own hand.'


Enter the cave and find Cúridwan to ascertain whether she can help you cure the Lâg Dávrit.

Objective 1

  • Speak with Usakâr by the cave door

Speak with Usakâr by the cave door.

Usakâr the Hermit: 'Are you ready? It's time to meet her. Go through the cave door behind me. She is waiting.'

Objective 2

  • Go through the cave entrance and enter Kûgrun

Go through the cave entrance and enter Kûgrun, home of Cúridwan.

Kûgrun is still lush and vibrant, untouched by the Pale Blight beyond

Objective 3

Speak with Cúridwan, the Golden Maiden by her cottage.

Cúridwan, the Golden Maiden: 'Cúridwan? Ah, yes, the Adúrhid do call me that. I have many names, but that one suits me as well any.
'The Lâg Dávrit? Yes, as you can see, I've been fighting it in my own way, and recently I've made a breakthrough of sorts. A salve I've made that I believe can reverse the Pale Blight and restore the natural way of things. But I have quite run out of ingredients.
'I can help you, and the Kintai, but I need your help in collecting more of the ingredients for this salve.'

Objective 4

  • Ask Cúridwan about the ingredients necessary for the salve

Ask Cúridwan about the ingredients necessary for the salve.

Cúridwan, the Golden Maiden: 'There are four ingredients I need you to gather in order to create this salve.
'I require marsh-strider bark, from the marshes of Zahumakh. I also need unblemished bog flowers that grow near there.
'I need scorpion venom, from the scorpion dens of Dûlagig. I also require unblemished berries that grow in the scrub brush near Dûlagig.'

Objective 5

  • Speak with Usakâr in Kûgrun

Speak with Usakâr in Kûgrun.

Usakâr the Hermit: 'Go quickly. Collect the ingredients and bring them straight back here. I believe that Cúridwan can do as she says. I have seen wondrous things from her before, things you would not believe if I told you. She can save the Kintai and reverse the Lâg Dávrit.'

Objective 6

  • Thank Cúridwan for her aid in the Kintai's plight

Thank Cúridwan for her aid in the Kintai's plight.

Cúridwan, the Golden Maiden: 'I wish we had more time to talk, <name>. I see great things in you.
'I believe our paths will cross again after this. But for now, gather these ingredients for me, and we may yet stop the Lâg Dávrit in its tracks. The Adúrhid of Imhûlar will not breathe their last if I can help it. Bring me those ingredients, and quickly, and the Adúrhid will have their miracle.'

Objective 7

  • Gather bog flowers from the marsh at Zahûmakh (0/10)
  • Gather bark from marsh-striders at Zahûmakh (0/6)
  • Gather wild berries from Dûlagig (0/8)
  • Gather scorpion venom from Dûlagig (0/12)

Gather ingredients for Cúridwan: marsh-strider bark and bog flowers from the marsh at Zahûmakh to the east of Kûgrun, scorpion venom and berries from Dûlagig to the north of Kûgrun.

Gathered bog flowers from the marsh at Zahûmakh (10/10)
Gathered bark from marsh-striders at Zahûmakh (6/6)
Gathered wild berries from Dûlagig (8/8)
Gathered scorpion venom from Dûlagig (12/12)

Objective 8

Return to Cúridwan in Kûgrun with the ingredients you've gathered.

Cúridwan, the Golden Maiden: 'Let's see, do we have everything here? Venom, bark, berries, bog.... Seems so! Give me just a moment then...
'There. Those items have been fashioned together. Now it needs to sit for several hours and steep to properly finish it. While it does, I believe there is one more thing we must do in order for this salve to work permanently, and not merely be a passing hope for the Kintai.'