Quest:Full Bellies and Warm Hearths

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Full Bellies and Warm Hearths
Level 150
Type Solo
Starts with Girnada
Starts at Urmâkh
Start Region Imhûlar
Map Ref [37.4S, 66.7W]
Quest Group Ikorbân Valley: Imhûlar
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'I tell you we have great need of food and supplies here. I am just a humble quartermaster. I cannot spin rock into cloth, or sand into bread. Life is hard in Urmâkh, and has only gotten harder with this great influx of people fleeing Kûr Anzar. We do what we can, but supplies are scarce and with the forest afflicted as it is, our meagre sources of food have only grown more paltry.

'Truth be told, there are days I go without so the children can still eat. When we do engage in hunting parties, the mad beasts of the forest often bedevil us. I know there are berries and kindling to spare in Shakhdag, to the east, but the boar have gone mad and attack anyone on sight.

'We could very much use one such as you, with a talent for combat. Would you be able to hunt for some healthy boar meat, and scavenge for fresh berries and kindling? We are close to our breaking point, <name>.'


Girnada, the quartermaster of Urmâkh, has asked for your aid in scavenging food and supplies for the hungry people of Urmâkh.

Objective 1

Girnada, the quartermaster of Urmâkh, has asked you to gather supplies for the villagers in Shakhdag, as food and supplies are scarce in Urmâkh. Shakhdag is located just outside Urmâkh, to the west.

Boar meat collected (6/6)
Healthy berries gathered (10/10)
Sticks for kindling gathered (8/8)

Objective 2

Return to Girnada in Urmâkh with all you've collected.

Girnada: Girnada's eyes light up at the sight of all the boar you have brought her.
'Oh, thank you. You don't know how many this will help. It's surprising how few cares a person has when you have a warm hearth and a belly full of boar.'