Quest:Salves for a Ravaged Land, Part 2

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Salves for a Ravaged Land, Part 2
Level 150
Type Solo
Starts with Usakâr the Hermit
Starts at Dag Usakâra
Start Region Imhûlar
Map Ref [43.1S, 62.7W]
Ends with Usakâr the Hermit
Ends at Tir Khûl
End Region Imhûlar
Map Ref [41.8S, 66.3W]
Quest Group Ikorbân Valley: Imhûlar
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'If we are to be off, let's be quick about it! This is no time for idle wandering.

'Let me mark the important areas on your map. You must pass through these areas, and in this order or you won't get there at all. I will meet you there. I know several ancient paths that few men remember, and fewer men tread. There we are! I will meet you outside the cave to Kûgrun, Kugêmi's sanctuary.'


Usakâr has agreed to show you the way to the home of Cúridwan, the Golden Maiden, to try to find a cure for the Lâg Dávrit, the Pale Blight sweeping through the woods of Imhûlar.

Objective 1

Speak with Usakâr and he will mark your map with the route to Cúridwan's home.

Usakâr the Hermit: 'You're ready? Hmm, that is good. You seem to be of stout heart and constitution, which is what this journey and any pies we eat shall require. All right, let's be off!'

Objective 2

  • Find your way to the first point Usakâr has marked

Find your way to the first point Usakâr has marked on your map.

A pack of jackals breaks towards you!

Objective 3

  • Find your way to the second point Usakâr has marked

Find your way to the second point Usakâr has marked on your map.

Several servals sneak their way near you, looking to pounce

Objective 4

  • Find your way to the third point Usakâr has marked

Find your way to the third point Usakâr has marked on your map.

A passing group of Ordâkhai has spotted you!

Objective 5

  • Speak with Usakâr at the mouth of the cave

Speak with Usakâr at the mouth of the cave.

Usakâr the Hermit: 'Ah, here we are. And right on time, too.'