Item:Cúridwan's Berry

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Cúridwan's Berry
  • "Unblemished berries from the scrub brush near Dûlagig. One of the ingredients Cúridwan needs for her salve."

Item Location

Cúridwan's Flowers can be found at Dûlagig of Imhûlar.

Coordinates Directions / Description
[34.0S, 66.7W] Cúridwan Berry
[34.1S, 66.6W] Cúridwan Berry
[34.3S, 66.6W] Cúridwan Berry
[34.5S, 66.8W] Cúridwan Berry
[34.6S, 66.5W] Cúridwan Berry
[34.8S, 66.5W] Cúridwan Berry
[35.0S, 66.4W] Cúridwan Berry
[35.4S, 66.9W] Cúridwan Berry
[35.5S, 66.6W] Cúridwan Berry
[35.6S, 67.1W] Cúridwan Berry
[35.6S, 66.8W] Cúridwan Berry
[35.7S, 67.1W] Cúridwan Berry
[35.8S, 66.9W] Cúridwan Berry
[35.8S, 67.4W] Cúridwan Berry

Quest Information

This item is involved in the following quest:
