Quest:Rumblings in the East

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Rumblings in the East
Level 150
Type Solo
Starts with Numûru
Starts at Urmâkh
Start Region Imhûlar
Map Ref [37.6S, 66.4W]
Quest Group Ikorbân Valley: Imhûlar
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'Mizâdi's spies have reported an Orc camp sighted near the crossing into Urash Dâr. However, it is not just the Orc encampment nearby that concerns us. Nâmbadir, the Span of Princes, has also been seen occupied by Orkish forces. Make your way to the bridge and let us know what you find. I fear this is only the tip of the spear, and we may soon have two sets of villains and dangers.'


Make your way to Nâmbadir, the Span of Princes, and scout along it. Numûru fears the Orcs are increasing in number and streaming in from Urash Dâr.

Objective 1

Go to Nâmbadir, the Span of Princes to the east of Kûr Anzar and search for signs of Orcs.

You see nothing but the impressive bridge before you

Objective 2

  • Go a third of the way onto the span of Nâmbadir and scout south

Go a third of the way onto the span of Nâmbadir and scout south.

What remains of the river moves lazily below you

Objective 3

  • Go half of the way onto the span of Nâmbadir and scout north

Go half of the way onto the span of Nâmbadir and scout north.

You see Orcs and Orkish weapons strewn about

Objective 4

  • Go two-thirds of the way onto the span of Nâmbadir and scout east, towards Urash Dâr

Go two-thirds of the way onto the span of Nâmbadir and scout east, towards Urash Dâr.

You hear war drums in the distance and smell burning flesh

Objective 5

Return to Numûru in Urmâkh with your report.

Numûru: 'I had feared as much. The Orcs are moving from Urash Dâr into Imhûlar. We must bolster our defences to the east before we are over-run. Thank you, <name>. This report may have saved countless lives, you have my thanks for your brave and selfless deeds.'