Quest:Secure the Landing of Kûr Anzar

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Secure the Landing of Kûr Anzar
Level 150
Type Solo
Starts with Mizâdi
Starts at Urmâkh
Start Region Imhûlar
Map Ref [37.6S, 66.4W]
Quest Group Ikorbân Valley: Imhûlar
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'We are close to retaking Kûr Anzar and driving the loathsome Barkhûshim out. Soon we will reunite all of Hamât under our banner of hope. Kûr Anzar is the key.

'We need to seize a foothold in Kûr Anzar, from which we may strike at the heart of Okhíso and his twisted realm. You are to be the point of our spear, <name>. It's time to make our move. We ask that you move through the lower portion of the city and drive their forces back in the lower ward. We know Okhíso's loathsome aide, Rokóbu to be leading them. If you get the chance, plunge your sword into his chest for me. Now is the time that Hamât rises again!'


Mizâdi has asked you to lead the charge to secure the lower ward of Kûr Anzar. Once successful, Mizâdi can set up a foothold outside Kûr Anzar.

Objective 1

Ready yourself for battle, then move swiftly into Kûr Anzar and defeat the forces of the All-seeing. Find and defeat the loathsome Barkhûshim leading them, Rokóbu. Kûr Anzar is located east of Urmâkh.

Defeated Barkhûshim champions in Kûr Anzar (8/8)
Defeated Barkhûshim skirmishers in Kûr Anzar (5/5)
Defeated a Barkhûshim sorceress

Objective 2

Report your success to Mizâdi in Urmâkh.

Mizâdi: 'This is quite the day, my friend. Quite the triumph. And you killed Rokóbu?'
Mizadi lets out a long, loud whoop of triumph.
'That will prove to be a severe blow to Okhíso. We still have much to do before we can declare victory, but this is a huge first step. Without your bravery, I fear we would have been lost, <name>. You have my thanks.