Quest:Bounty: Suginzi

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Bounty: Suginzi
Level 150
Type Solo
Repeatable Daily
Starts with Bounty: Suginzi
Starts at Urmâkh
Start Region Imhûlar
Map Ref [37.7S, 66.4W]
Ends with Numûru
Ends at Urmâkh
End Region Imhûlar
Map Ref [37.6S, 66.4W]
Quest Group Ikorbân Valley Bounty
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

The bounty notice reads:

On behalf of the Queen of Renewed Hamât, Mizâdi Shâra, you are empowered to seek out and defeat the great plague boar Suginzi. Suginzi has spread disease and mayhem throughout Imhûlar, and his reign of fear must end.

The proof of his death shall be one of his great tusks, hewn from his head. Bring the tusk to Numûru, Hand of the Queen in Urmâkh for a fitting reward.


The great plague boar Suginzi is spreading disease and mayhem throughout Imhûlar. You are to defeat him and return to Numûru with his great tusk.

Objective 1

Mizâdi Shâra, Queen of Renewed Hamât, has posted a bounty seeking skilled hunters to find and defeat the great plague boar, Suginzi. You are to defeat him and return to her Hand, Numûru, with one of his great tusks. He was last seen south-west of Urmâkh, near Shakhdag.

Objective 2

Bring Suginzi's great tusk to Numûru in Urmâkh to collect your reward.

Numûru: 'You defeated Suginzi? That is quite the feat, you must be quite the fighter. He has eluded us for years. You have my gratitude. Citizens of Urmâkh no longer have to fear travelling south and being gored by those great tusks. Here, this should be a suitable reward for such a feat.'