Quest:Becoming a Tree-bearer

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Becoming a Tree-bearer
Level 150
Type Solo
Starts with Thórvilon
Starts at Vartúlin
Start Region Imhûlar
Map Ref [42.1S, 64.5W]
Quest Group Ikorbân Valley: Imhûlar
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'I have a final task for you, my friend. Though this is less a task, and more an honour befitting all you have done for us. You are to be an Adúrhid tree-bearer.

'The first young tree saplings we have grown resistant to the Lâg Dávrit, the Pale Blight, are ready to be transported out of Vartúlin and into the forests of Adagím proper. I have instructed the grove-tenders that you are the one to be given the honour of doing this. Speak with Culvair, one of our grove-tenders. He will explain more deeply. And, once more, thank you for all you have done for us, <name>.'


Thórvilon has given you the honour of being a tree-bearer for the Adúrhid. You are to transplant the first young tree saplings into the greater forests of Adagím.

Objective 1

Speak with Culvair the grove-tender in Vartúlin.

Culvair: 'Thórvilon told me you are to be our tree-bearer? It is quite the honour. Almost never given to an outsider. Thórvilon must think quite highly of you.
'Well, your task is simple enough. Gather rich soil into this sack from throughout Vartúlin. Then come back here and carefully remove these young tree saplings you see. You are then to replant them in greater Adagím. Dig a small hole out, replant them and then cover their roots with the rich soil you collect. They are to be about 20 paces east, beyond the edge of Vartúlin. This will allow us to check them easily, to ensure they are truly hardy enough to withstand the Lâg Dávrit. Off with you then.'

Objective 2

Collect rich soil from around Vartúlin.

Collected rich soil from around Vartúlin (8/8)

Objective 3

Go to Ulthral's nursery and carefully remove tree saplings for planting in the greater forest.

Gathered the tree saplings (12/12)

Objective 4

Go to the where the forest of Favrathór meets the edge of Vartúlin. Go to the edge of Vartúlin then march east and north around the rock formation. Plant the tree saplings there.

Objective 5

Plant the young tree saplings in the forest just outside Vartúlin.

Planted the tree saplings in Favrathór (12/12)

Objective 6

Speak with Thórvilon in Vartúlin.

Thórvilon: 'You have borne the first of many trees back to the forests of Favrathór. It is not again Laithór, the Emerald Wood, nor will it be for many years. But we have hope now, because of your actions.
'The Adúrhid use 'Tree-bearer' to denote someone who has done great works for the lands near their home. Though you are not Adúrhid, you have done great works near our home. You should know that not many outsiders get to wear this title. But for you, we will make a special exception. You may wear this name with pride.'