NPC Novice Scholar

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This page is used by all Novice Scholar NPCs.

Novice Scholars sell tools and materials to scholars, as well as recipes below Artisan level.

NPC Location Region
Alice Pickthorn Three-farrow Crafting Hall (Bree) Bree-land
Anna Bullrush Combe Crafting Hall Bree-land
Merimas Brandybuck Buckland Bree-land
Dúsi Thorin's Hall - The Maker's Hall Ered Luin
Lothinn Gondamon Ered Luin
Makan Thorin's Gate, Crafting Hall Ered Luin
Thavroniel Celondim Ered Luin
Amaranth Gamgee Oatbarton Evendim
Neville Hopwood Tinnudir (Keep) Evendim
Walding Tunks Ost Forod Evendim
Beneger Bolger Budgeford The Shire
Citrina Brockhouse Brockenborings The Shire
Glory Hornblower Bywater The Shire
Hildibras Took Michel Delving's Craft-fair The Shire
Issiril Craft-hall of Esteldín North Downs
Novice Scholar Trestlebridge North Downs
Atharovor Elrond's Library (The Last Homely House) Trollshaws

Quest Involvement
