Quest:Chapter 1: Secrets of Zudrugund
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Level | 65 |
Type | Solo |
Starts with | Corunir |
Starts at | Zudrugund |
Start Region | Enedwaith |
Map Ref | [65.6S, 8.5W] |
Ends with | Candaith |
Ends at | Nan Laeglin |
End Region | Enedwaith |
Map Ref | [66.4S, 16.2W] |
Quest Group | Vol. III. Book 3 |
Quest Chain |
Previous: Volume III, Book 2
Volume III: Book 3: Echoes of the Dead
Next: Volume III, Book 4
Walkthrough & Notes |
Cluttered Bookshelf 1: Kári was a little dwarf. One axe for his left hand. Now one day the Orcs did call. The dwarves knew what that meant. Do you know what Kári said? 'But you're so little!' said the dwarves. The Orcs laughed, 'What can you do? Cluttered Bookshelf 2: Hail, Thráin, King under the Mountain! Preparations for leaving the Coomb are well underway, and it will not be long before our people are ready to depart for the Blue Mountains. The great wheels in the depths will turn without them; I wonder for how long? I am writing this letter to express my concern about Nár. You know as well as anyone the things he has seen, and his service to your father cannot be questioned. He deserves much better than he has gotten. He seems not even to see me, these days, though I must endure the retelling of my own exploits two, four, or a dozen years in the past. It makes me sad to think of it now, and his excitement in each recounting, the previous one forgotten, saddens me all the more. This is why I must ask your permission to remain, when the others go. Nár will not go to the Blue Mountains, and I wish to stay here to look out for him. My son, too wishes to stay; he is young, and knows nothing of our real home; this to him is no exile, but the Blue Mountains would be. I do not want to deprive Frithgeir of the only home he has known. I will do whatever you command, of course. But this is my desire, if it be your wish to grant it. Hervin Drake-Slayer Cluttered Bookshelf 3: It is my hope that these musings on the great variety of plant-life found within the Coomb will be of help to those who, by want or need, find themselves uncertain of an herb's utility or a vegetable's properties. It is clear that such knowledge is fading in my people; Thrór has commanded the opening of a new wing in the mines beneath Zudrugund, but my own studies have been, of a necessity, self-directed. I do not complain! The gems they have taken from the old wing stir my heart as much as they do any of my fellows; but there is as much to be learned from the green as there is from the stone. But I ramble, as I often do when called upon to defend my interest! (This is followed by several pages of notes on various plants that grow on the slopes of Thrór's Coomb. One of the pages has been turned sideways and earmarked, and catches your eye.) This next herb is easily found throughout the Coomb; simply follow your nose, and on a day of calm weather, its sweet smell will guide you most easily to patches of Hulwul-harâz growing on the grassy slopes. The name, in fact, means 'Sweet Warder,' and the Dunlendings with whom I have spoken believe the smell to drive away evil beings. When the herb is crushed and added to water containing the petals of the Nijam-mujdu and the fruit of the Kibil-luwz, steeping the solution for an hour produces a strange-smelling brew that I have noted for its ability to provide clarity of thought and heightened reasoning. It does seem that its effectiveness dulls with repeated use, and the brew should therefore not be over-used. |
Rewards |
Quest Text | |
Bestowal dialogue'I do not like this, <name>. How has Nár come to know of our potential road? That Elrond advised his sons to remember the Paths of the Dead, for we may have need to walk them, was known to but a few and all of them trustworthy. 'Something is not right about this. It will not be long before we must set out again, but in the time before we do we must learn what we can about Nár's recent activities. There may be some clue in them to reveal the source of his knowledge concerning our errand. 'Speak to Frithgeir about Nár. He proved helpful in returning his friend to clarity, short-lived though it was, and may help us again.' BackgroundA serious complication has arisen in regard to the quest of the Grey Company: how does the dwarf Nár have knowledge of its potential road? Objective 1
Frithgeir is in the library at Zudrugund. Corunir has asked you to speak with Frithgeir about Nár, in hopes that he can reveal the source of his friend's unexpected knowledge of the Grey Company's possible road.
Objective 2
Frithgeir has pointed out bookshelves in Zudrugund where Nár has spent time recently, at the shelves south-east of Frithgeir, surrounding an illuminated statue. You should investigate bookshelves where Nár has shown recent interest, hoping it will prove instructive.
Objective 3
Nár is somewhere within Zudrugund. You have searched the bookshelves pointed out to you by Frithgeir, but have learned little that seem relevant to Nár's mysterious knowledge of the Grey Company's intentions.
Objective 4
Corunir is in Zudrugund, the dwarf-hall in Thrór's Coomb. You have spoken to Nar about what you found in the bookshelves you were pointed to by Frithgeir, but have learned little of use. You should report of your efforts to Corunir.
Objective 5
Candaith is at a campsite of the Grey Company in a grove of trees east of the Dunlending village of Lhanuch, in Nan Laeglin.